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Notes from Gordon and Eric on finding old drawings in TeamCenter:If you want to find to see if a copy of an OLD paper drawing is now in Team Center, I am told you can try typing in a 9 alphanumeric string to see if it is there. Basically it amounts to starting the string with "F" and appending one or more "0" (zero) to to the front of the drawing number to produce a 9 alphanumeric string with the last part being the last part of the old drawing number. For example, I wanted to see if the paper drawing with the OLD drawing number on it "1214-ME-174072" was in Team Center. What I need to type into Team Center search is "F00174072".
There are several TC “prefixes” that are within TC:
- FC – This was considered a “C”ommon part used frequently at Fermilab. It can be purchased or made here but there will never be a drawing. It is only a solid model.
- F1 – This is an item that has been made in TC since our migration to NX 6-7 years ago to date. They may have a drawing or part or both.
- F00 – This is a pre-Teamcenter item. It may be a model or drawing, or both. If it has a model it is tied to the drawing. As Gordon says the pre-TC number 422987 would be F00422987. IF it was migrated to TC at all.
- F09 – This is a pre-Teamcenter item that is only a solid model. It may be of an existing drawing but this model is completely untethered to the drawing and stands alone. When needed to be used in an assembly I recommend remaking the model with a drawing.
- Last modified
- 01/17/2023
- email Fermilab