Linac Inventory Help |
Table of Contents
1990 Inventory |
The three bullet points under 1990 are the actual, original lists by bin, part number and description pulled from a backup tape. The data were then pulled from the "by part number" list, randomly checked by hand to see that they matched the printout, and inserted into a database table. If you click on “Search the list”, you will be able to look for a specific part in the database by entering information in the fields, or sort the list below by clicking on one of the column headers to arrange the whole thing by part number, for example.
2010 Inventory |
Because of the many inconsistencies in the 1990 inventory, it can be difficult to search. The 2010 version was made to be more consistent. There are no abbreviations for part descriptions – words like semiconductor and circuit breaker are spelled out. The 1990 also had multiple abbreviations for some manufacturers, which also made searching difficult. Now, to search on a manufacturer, the 2010 inventory has a drop down list which lists the full names for all the manufacturers. Unless of course, I couldn’t find what their full name was, then it still has an acronym.
Searching the 2010 list works pretty much the same way as the 1990. Clicking
“Search the list” will take you to a page where you can search for a part by
entering information about it, or you can sort by one of the columns. Searching
by part number will also search the Replaced and Replaced By notes (see "Icons"
and "Adding or Editing Parts"). It was suggested that it would be very helpful
if someone could look up a part with a certain number of ohms or watts, so now
there are extra columns in the inventory for information like that. Next to the
"Search" button there is a box you can check to show deleted parts. If you
want to see what has been deleted, check the box and hit "Search". More
information about deleted parts is in the "Icon" section. Right under
the search field there is an "Export" option. Clicking this will export whatever
list you are currently viewning into an Excel file.
Since the Linac inventory is not confined to the bins in the Cage, or even to the Cage itself, there is now a system of labeling shelves and cabinets too, though these are not inventoried yet. The icons in the location column tell you where in the building the part is - Cage , Cave
, basement Crossgallery
, the Linac corridor
, or the basement corridor
There is a legend in the right hand corner that translates everything in the location column.
If you scroll down the list a little bit, you will see that some descriptions have a little icon next to them that looks like a sheet of paper
. This means there is a note about this part, which you can see if you click the icon. Most of the time, this will be to let you know that the bin this part is in has multiple numbers (because of the inconsistencies in the 1990 inventory). If you scroll down even farther, you will see another icon in the part number column
, for example in bin 236. If you click this icon, it will tell you that this part either replaces another part, or is replaced by another part itself.
If you search on a part that is no longer in the inventory, the part will still
appear but next to the part number will be a skull-and-crossbones icon
. The row will
also be highlighted. This is because the part has been deleted from the
inventory and probably replaced. It can no longer be edited. Next to every part
there is a little icon of a person
. Putting your cursor
over this icon will bring up the name of the last person who edited that part
and the date it was edited on.
Another new feature is the Maps link. If you click it, you will see two maps, one of the upper level, and one of the lower level of the Linac, both drawn by Ken Hartman and scanned in. These maps have all Linac’s shelves and cabinets labeled exactly the way the actual ones are. If you move your cursor over the map, the name of the area will pop up. If you click, you will be taken to a list of all the parts in that area. There are also links under each map to a zoomed in version.
Inventory Difference |
Clicking on the "Inventory Difference" link will take you to a separate table that shows what parts were listed in the 1990 inventory, but are not onthe 2010 list. This does not include the parts listed under OHM= or MFD= at the end of the 1990. We concluded that these were there to help with searcing and were not actual part numbers. The parts on this list could still be somewhere else, in one of the cabinets or on one of the shelves. They are just not in the bins in the Cage.
Updating the Inventory |
Adding and
Editing Parts
The question marks you see in some of the columns on the 2010 page are there
because that information about a part couldn’t be found. There are also some
components that have multiple numbers on them, and it wasn’t clear which one was
the part number – the numbers are listed, separated by an “or”, like in bin
1175. If you know or find any of this information, there is a way to add it in.
Everyone in the Linac group should have full access to add and edit parts. You
can check the “Authorized List” link under the Restricted heading. If you
click on a part number, or the little dash in place of the part number, you
will see a page that will allow you to add or change information about that
part. When you’re finished, click “Update Part” at the bottom of the page and
the part will be updated. There is also an option to delete a part from the
inventory - click the part number you want to delete, and hit the "Delete Part"
button on the bottom of the edit page.
You can also add parts to the list. On the Linac Inventory Main page, there is a link under the Restricted heading, for doing just that. The form is exactly like the one for editing a part, just add in all the information you know about it. The form needs populated with information about the part:
If you can’t access anything under the Restricted heading and you use Mozilla Firefox, you might need to install a plugin from the Net ID Manager. Go to your Net ID Manager, click Help--> Kerberized Certificates--> Introduction--> Installing the PKCS#11 Module. IE should automatically have this plugin.
Add to
A warning: many of the parts listed in the Comparison table are shown to be in
bins that either do not exist or are already being used. If one of these parts is later found and you want to
add it to the inventory, click the item's part number. You may have to choose a new location for it on the "Inventory Entry"
page if the bin does not exist or is already being used. You will probably also
have to edit the description field. Clicking one part number will pull all the
different descriptions for that part number and place them in the description
field. You can delete the information that is repeated and keep the information
you would like to include. If a description includes ohm, mfd, volts, amps or
watts, add this information to the appropiate fields above.
Tips for Standardizing
When the 2010 inventory was created, a lot of effort was put into standardizing
all the entries so it would be easier to search. The following are
examples of what was changed:
For more information about editing the 2010 list, see the "Adding and Editing Parts" section above. For information about adding parts from the 1990-2010 Comparison list, see "Add to 2010" above.
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